If you’re looking to hire a professional Live Band as Music Entertainment for your Wedding in KL, Malaysia, contact Jason Geh.
Check out his Live Band Website and his Music Blog to view awards he has won and his vast experience in the Malaysian Entertainment scene through the years. He has worked with popular International and local recording artiste and has perform for countless events from corporate to private functions, weddings to birthdays, product launch to anniversaries etc.
Today, Jason Geh and his team were specially invited to perform for the wedding celebration of Mr Alfred Sia and Ms Liew Hui Min. This wedding was held in Prince hotel Kuala Lumpur on the 20th February 2010.
The wedding couple booked Jason’s Live Band nine months ago to ensure their availability on this date. Incidentally, Jason Geh previously performed for the groom brother’s wedding (March 2008) and the bride-groom sister’s wedding(January 2009).
Jason’s music group for the wedding today consist of a male singer, saxophone player, er hu player and Jason Geh himself on the keyboards.
The male singer plays the guitar and double bass as well. The wedding couple decided to hire Jason’s band as they are very versatile. They have a wide range of repertoire from western golden oldies to jazz standards, chinese classics to love songs, dance numbers to evergreens.

The band members are not only musicians but are great entertainers. They are aware of the kind of songs that appeal to the Malaysian audiences and select their songs accordingly. They performed both instrumental and vocal repertoire beautifully producing a blend of modern and traditional sounds.

Do browse through Jason’s music blog for report on his past and present live performances in Malaysia. You will find photos and video samples there with archives of his wedding performances, birthdays, private functions and events that he has done.
If you are serious about hiring a professional live band for your wedding or events, spend some time to browse through all his sites. Only through that, you will discover his professionalism and experience in the live music scene in Malaysia.