10.10.2010..The mark of an auspicious day! Jason Geh Entertainment had to bring a talented string quartet to Taiping.
We left at 1.15pm from PJ and started out on our journey. Haven’t even travelled 45 minutes when my car started to jerk like crazy.. it was scary.. had to stop in a petrol station , refilled two bottles of black oil.. a mechanic came to check on the car, it was still of no use..
The musicians affirmed me that it’s just the timing and I would be able to reach Taiping with it so long as I keep pressing my car accelerator. At first, I panicked, after a while, it became a joke and the “boys” said they had free “OSIM” massager! I was very thankful that we managed to reach SSL Traders Hotel by 5pm.
We were rather surprised that it comprised of a few shop lots ..erm, I guess it is a small town area. Sound checked, showered, ate and tah dah, we had to start our show time all within a short period of time.
The wedding couple was Sarawakians, very very simple wedding, there was not even a speech. The bride was simply so beautiful indeed. A creative idea by John, which I liked very much was the “Tree of Love”.. everyone was encouraged to write a love message to the couple and stick it up on the tree!

The musicians, were very talented performing their pieces from all time favourites The Sound of Music, Canon in D, Oldies, Yeh Lai Shiang and many many more.
There was a table nearby where I was standing, and they made comments like, wow! This is the first time I’ve seen a string quartet live in a wedding, and was enjoying the music and clapping after every number, eagerly waiting like a child for the next song.
A doctor came up to even say thank you to the musicians for playing Jesu Joy of man's desiring..beautifully.. He loved it so much..
Ended around 10pm and the group decided to hit back home even though rooms were provided for by the gracious hosts ~ Gina(012 3012522)
Other related string quartet performances:-