Jason Geh’s 3 piece Stroller Band performed at J-APAC’s Gala Dinner held at the Westin Hotel Kuala Lumpur on January the 17th 2012.
The trio consisted of an acoustic guitarist / singer, a double bassist and Jason on the alto saxophone. They perform unplugged (i.e without amplification) during dinner moving from table to table serenading the guests.
The crowd was responsive to the band. There was a delegate who relented on his compulsion thus came up to express himself vigorously through dance when the band did an Elvis number. Footage of that inspiring moment was captured so make sure to watch this video and get amuse
: )
Click here for more references on 3 piece Stroller Band, scroll down till “Trio”, then under (Singer/Guitar, Sax, Bass), you will find links to similar band performances at other past events.