Wedding Jazz Band lead by Jason Geh was specially invited by Daphne and Lincoln to perform for their wedding at Avillion Port Dickson. Jason’s ensemble consisted of 4 performers (female vocalist, saxophonist, percussionist and keyboardist)
This wedding event was held by the tumasek beach on December the 24th 2011. As the wedding falls on christmas eve, the band incorporated some christmas songs into their performance selections. The bridal couple wanted tonight’s event to be a celebration of both marital and of festivity.
For more information on wedding jazz band in Malaysia, contact Jason Geh

Since this will probably be my last post for 2011, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone on this blog especially to those I have personally been involved with throughout the year for their generous contributions.
You have in someway however big or small allowed me to pursue my interest in philosophy and self discovery.
Through my pursuits in the metaphysics, gradually freeing myself from the indoctrination of the state and religiosity, I have found myself growing in awareness, willing to embrace challenges and being accountable and responsible for my own actions or inaction.
My relationship with myself and my love ones have become increasingly profound through the accumulation of true knowledge and applying first principles, reason and evidence in my daily life.
It is my objective to perpetually grow on these areas and my wish to reciprocate. Striving to embody the change that I want to see change in the world will serve as my guide.
Have a great christmas and new year.
Thank you for your support.
~ Jason Geh