Singer accompanied by two piece live band performed at Alstom’s golf event in Kajang Hill Golf Club on 17th July 2010. The musicians comprising of a saxophonist and keyboard player ushered the golfer’s to the restaurant where the event was held, as pre-dinner entertainment. They performed some light and easy instrumental jazz standards.
During dinner, the lovely female singer joined the live band to entertain the crowd with their second session of performance. The singer emanated a friendly demeanor and interacted thoroughly with the guest. She performed 6 songs in total, much of the time walking around with her wireless microphone, table to table serenading the diners thus making them feel at ease.
The guests were also very sporting and responsive to her gesture. They participated by smiling, singing and clapping along to the singer’s performance. Incidentally, there were about 7 tables at the restaurant, consisting of all male golfers.
The night proceeded with the awards ceremony. Prizes were given out to the top golfers and the lucky draw winners. Before the event concluded, the singer and live band came on to perform a few more songs.
To hire professional singer and live band for your event in KL Malaysia, do contact Jason Geh at 016 2800216. To view photo and video samples of their past live performances, visit Jason’s music blog