We provide quality live bands at an affordable rate. When you're planning an event, you definitely would want the best entertainment and services you can find. As special events only come "once in a blue moon", you would want to have good memories of that occasion.
I specialize in performing and band management for events and functions. When client approach me, I will need to get some key details about their event in order to come up with the best solutions.
Solutions meaning the "right" band for your event, whether it's assembling a Jazz quartet, Jazz trio, strollers, with vocals or just strictly instrumental. Choosing the correct musicians and the correct combination of musicians that work well together is where my expertise and experience comes in. The musicians that I choose will also be determine by what kind of repertoire or genre of music, your event requires.

The purpose of this website is to inform you that you're in good hands. Be sure to go to www.myspace.com/JasonGeh to check out the 3 videos on that site. It's about 5 to 6 minutes per-video.

To view all my latest and past performances in detail, go to JayLatestPerformance.blogspot.com . All my events are listed there since I've started blogging from August 2006.
Go to my Profile link and my video link if you have time to explore further.
Go to my Profile link and my video link if you have time to explore further.
copyright 2008 by JasonGeh