Jason Geh specialize in performing and band management in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. When people in Kl think about hiring live band, the name Jason Geh comes to mind due to his reputation and experience in performance and band management.
Looking for corporate band, wedding music, party bands to swing band, local musicians and dance bands, he's the guy to call. For band booking in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, call Jason Geh at 016 2800 216 or email at JasonGeh@yahoo.com

Here's the most recent corporate event we did, held at Impiana hotel on 17th June 2008. Comprising of female singer, saxophone player and keyboard player. Jason Geh is a Jazz musician that also plays pop music and "function music", a term loosely use by musicians in Kl to describe variety of music styles that appeals to the listening taste of general Malaysians.